Source code for marathon.models.task

from datetime import datetime

from .base import MarathonResource, MarathonObject

[docs]class MarathonTask(MarathonResource): """Marathon Task resource. :param str app_id: application id :param health_check_results: health check results :type health_check_results: list[:class:`marathon.models.MarathonHealthCheckResult`] or list[dict] :param str host: mesos slave running the task :param str id: task id :param list[int] ports: allocated ports :param list[int] service_ports: ports exposed for load balancing :param str state: State of the task e.g. TASK_RUNNING :param str slave_id: Mesos slave id :param staged_at: when this task was staged :type staged_at: datetime or str :param started_at: when this task was started :type started_at: datetime or str :param str version: app version with which this task was started """ DATETIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ' def __init__(self, app_id=None, health_check_results=None, host=None, id=None, ports=None, service_ports=None, slave_id=None, staged_at=None, started_at=None, version=None, ip_addresses=[], state=None, local_volumes=None): self.app_id = app_id self.health_check_results = health_check_results or [] self.health_check_results = [ hcr if isinstance( hcr, MarathonHealthCheckResult) else MarathonHealthCheckResult().from_json(hcr) for hcr in (health_check_results or []) if any(health_check_results) ] = host = id self.ports = ports or [] self.service_ports = service_ports or [] self.slave_id = slave_id self.staged_at = staged_at if (staged_at is None or isinstance(staged_at, datetime)) \ else datetime.strptime(staged_at, self.DATETIME_FORMAT) self.started_at = started_at if (started_at is None or isinstance(started_at, datetime)) \ else datetime.strptime(started_at, self.DATETIME_FORMAT) self.state = state self.version = version self.ip_addresses = [ ipaddr if isinstance( ip_addresses, MarathonIpAddress) else MarathonIpAddress().from_json(ipaddr) for ipaddr in (ip_addresses or [])] self.local_volumes = local_volumes or []
[docs]class MarathonIpAddress(MarathonObject): """ """ def __init__(self, ip_address=None, protocol=None): self.ip_address = ip_address self.protocol = protocol
[docs]class MarathonHealthCheckResult(MarathonObject): """Marathon health check result. See :param bool alive: boolean to determine task health :param int consecutive_failures: number of failed healthchecks in a row :param str first_success: first time when which healthcheck succeeded :param str last_failure: last time when which healthcheck failed :param str last_failure_cause: cause for last failure :param str last_success: last time when which healthcheck succeeded :param str task_id: task id :param str instance_id: instance id """ DATETIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ' def __init__(self, alive=None, consecutive_failures=None, first_success=None, last_failure=None, last_success=None, task_id=None, last_failure_cause=None, instance_id=None): self.alive = alive self.consecutive_failures = consecutive_failures self.first_success = first_success if (first_success is None or isinstance(first_success, datetime)) \ else datetime.strptime(first_success, self.DATETIME_FORMAT) self.last_failure = last_failure if (last_failure is None or isinstance(last_failure, datetime)) \ else datetime.strptime(last_failure, self.DATETIME_FORMAT) self.last_success = last_success if (last_success is None or isinstance(last_success, datetime)) \ else datetime.strptime(last_success, self.DATETIME_FORMAT) self.task_id = task_id self.last_failure_cause = last_failure_cause self.instance_id = instance_id